Whakaahuatanga Hua
I runga i tana piriti hurihuri hurihuri, ka taea te whakanoho ki te raima pipiri nui i roto i nga tono tino uaua kaore i te tango i te ngongo. Ka taea te whakatuwhera ake me te whakakii ano i te wa e kore e whakakorehia etahi atu waahanga o te pipiri, he ngawari ake te huihuinga.
He mihi ki nga taha o te taha ka tiakina, ka tiakina te hose mai i te kino.
Ko te Bolt-kaha te kaha, i hangaia e te AOWER® mo tenei piri, me te punaha herehere me te punaha tuuturu ka taea e koe te kii i te tino tono o nga hahi. Koinei te panui o te kowhiringa ngaio i roto i te ngongo ahumahi, me nga miihini miihini me nga mahi ahuwhenua me nga waahanga umanga katoa e hiahiatia ana, e hiahiatia ana i runga ake i nga mea tino taumaha.
Ko te pehanga tono nui ka rereke te ahua o te momo hose e whakamahia ana me te geometry o te hono.
Na te mea iti o te whakatikatika i runga i enei whakapiri he mea nui kia kitea e koe te tika o to ngongo (tae atu ki te totoro i puta mai i te mokomoko hose) me te hoko i te rahi o te piri.
Kaore. | Nga tohu | Taipitopito |
1. | Bandwidth * matotoru | 1) Ko te Zinc kua whakauruhia: 18 * 0.6 / 20 * 0.8 / 22 * 1.2 / 26 * 1.5m |
2) Ko te kowiri tira: 18 * 0.6 / 20 * 0.6 / 2 * 0.8 / 24 * 0.8 | ||
2. | Rahi | 17-19mm ki te katoa |
3. | Kōwiri | M5 / M6 / M8 / M10 |
4. | Whakanohia a Torque | 5n.m-35n.m |
5 | OEM / ODM | OEM / ODM kei te mihi |
Hei Wahanga No. | Papanga | Rōpu | Pine | Pereti piriti | Pokapū wīra |
Nā hea | W1 | Kowiri tira | Kowiri tira | Kowiri tira | Kowiri tira |
Ringa | W2 | SS200 / SS300 Series | Ko te kowiri waro | Ko te kowiri waro | Ko te kowiri waro |
Ngaro | W4 | SS200 / SS300 Series | SS200 / SS300 Series | SS200 / SS300 Series | SS200 / SS300 Series |
Torssv | W5 | SS316 | SS316 | SS316 | SS316 |
Ko te peehi o te pipi o te pepe® a te maero® e eke ana i runga i nga momo ahumahi rereke me nga hononga rereke. Na ta maatau a Toene® e awhina i nga momo ahumahi e pupuri ana i te kaha me te mahi tonu i nga punaha me nga miihini.
Ko tetahi o a maatau mara ko te waahanga ahuwhenua i te mea e tika ana kia kitea to maatau Toene® i runga i te tanker tankers.
Ko ta matou kounga pai me te pumau ko te whakarite ko ta maatau taonga hipoki he hua pai rawa atu, he maha nga wa i whakamahia i roto i te umanga tuawhenua. No reira ko te Toene® te taonga e whakamahia ana i roto i te tauira i nga hau, i te taiao moana me te ahumahi ika
Rapa Whiri | Hōupū | Mātotoru | Ki te wehe. | ||||
Min (mm) | Max (MM) | (mm) | (mm) | W1 | W2 | W4 | W5 |
17 | 19 | 18 | 0.6 / 0.6 | TORG19 | Tors19 | Torss19 | Torssv19 |
20 | 22 | 18 | 0.6 / 0.6 | Torg22 | Tor22 | Tors22 | Torssv22 |
23 | 25 | 18 | 0.6 / 0.6 | TORG25 | Tor25 | Tors25 | Torssv25 |
26 | 28 | 18 | 0.6 / 0.6 | TORG28 | Tor28 | Tors28 | Torssv28 |
29 | 31 | 20 | 0.6 / 0.8 | TORG31 | Tors31 | Torss31 | Torssv31 |
32 | 35 | 20 | 0.6 / 0.8 | TORG35 | Tor35 | Tors35 | Torssv35 |
36 | 39 | 20 | 0.6 / 0.8 | TORG39 | Tors39 | Torss39 | Torssv39 |
40 | 43 | 20 | 0.6 / 0.8 | TORG43 | Tor43 | Tors43 | Torssv43 |
44 | 47 | 22 | 0.8 / 1.2 | TORG47 | Tor47 | Tors47 | Torssv47 |
48 | 51 | 22 | 0.8 / 1.2 | TORG51 | Tor51 | Torss51 | Torssv51 |
52 | 55 | 22 | 0.8 / 1.2 | TORG55 | Tor55 | Tors55 | Tortsv55 |
56 | 59 | 22 | 0.8 / 1.2 | TORG59 | Tor59 | Tors59 | Torssv59 |
60 | 63 | 22 | 0.8 / 1.2 | TORG63 | Tors63 | Tors63 | Torssv63 |
64 | 67 | 22 | 0.8 / 1.2 | TORG67 | Tor67 | Torss67 | Torssv67 |
68 | 73 | 24 | 0.8 / 1.5 | TORG73 | Tors73 | Tors73 | Torssv73 |
74 | 79 | 24 | 0.8 / 1.5 | TORG79 | Tor79 | Tors79 | Tors79 |
80 | 85 | 24 | 0.8 / 1.5 | TORG85 | Tor85 | Tors85 | Torssv85 |
86 | 91 | 24 | 0.8 / 1.5 | TORG91 | Tors91 | Torss91 | Torssv91 |
92 | 97 | 24 | 0.8 / 1.5 | TORG97 | Tors97 | Torss97 | Torssv97 |
98 | 103 | 24 | 0.8 / 1.5 | TORG103 | Tors103 | Torss103 | Torssv103 |
104 | 112 | 24 | 0.8 / 1.5 | Torg112 | Tors112 | Torss112 | Torssv112 |
113 | 121 | 24 | 0.8 / 1.5 | Torg121 | Tors121 | Torss121 | Torssv121 |
122 | 130 | 24 | 0.8 / 1.5 | Torg130 | Tors130 | Torss130 | Torssv130 |
131 | 139 | 26 | 1.0 / 1.7 | TORG139 | Tors139 | Torss139 | Torssv139 |
140 | 148 | 26 | 1.0 / 1.7 | TORG148 | Tors148 | Torss148 | Torssv148 |
149 | 161 | 26 | 1.0 / 1.7 | TORG161 | Tors161 | Torss161 | Torssv161 |
162 | 174 | 26 | 1.0 / 1.7 | TORG174 | Tors174 | Torss174 | Torssv174 |
175 | 187 | 26 | 1.0 / 1.7 | TORG187 | Tors187 | Torss187 | Torssv187 |
188 | 200 200 | 26 | 1.0 / 1.7 | TORG200 | Tors200 | Torss200 | Torssv200 |
201 | 213 | 26 | 1.0 / 1.7 | Torg213 | Torsi213 | Torss213 | Torssv213 |
214 | 226 | 26 | 1.0 / 1.7 | TORG226 | Tor226 | Tors226 | Torssv226 |
2277 | 239 | 26 | 1.0 / 1.7 | TORG239 | Tors239 | Torss239 | Torssv239 |
240 | 252 | 26 | 1.0 / 1.7 | Torg252 | Tor252 | Tors252 | Torssv252 |
Kei te waatea te paanui a Bolt Tose Boltose me te putea poly, pouaka pepa, pouaka kirihou, putea kirihou pepa, me te kaihokohoko i hangaia.
- Ko ta maatau pouaka tae me te waitohu.
- Ka taea e matou te whakarato i te waehere pae kaihoko me te tapanga mo te kapi katoa
- Kei te waatea nga kaihokohoko i hangaia